Held every 2 years, the NADN Advanced Training Retreat has become established as the most anticipated event on the calendar for experienced mediators around the U.S. Over 3 days at a luxury venue, the Retreat brings together renowned industry leaders and the finest ADR trainers in the world to share their knowledge and experience.
Our 2011 Retreat was held in Amelia Island, FL at the 5-star oceanside Ritz Carlton resort, across 3 days. This event was attended by 70 Academy members, mostly from our home state of Florida.
Our trainers included Lee Jay Berman (American Institute of Mediation) and Doug Noll from California, and Don Philbin (TX).
Attendee Testimonials

"Quite simply the single best ADR seminar I have attended. Period."
John S. Freud, Miami, FL

"This was truly the most interesting and valuable seminar I have attended in over 18 years of ADR practice. It introduced me to new concepts and techniques which have already been put to practical use in my sessions. In addition, it brought home the fact that techniques that I had already been using based on experience, instinct, trial and error were not simply aspects of the "art" of negotiation, but also the "science" of negotiation, bringing added structure and consistency in the use of those techniques. Not only were the presenters outstanding, but the interaction with other ADR professionals with levels of experience comparable to mine further enhanced the educational experience. Just one question.. When and where is the next one?"
Simon M. Harrison, Miami, FL

"Simply awesome. It is one of the best, truly advanced, ADR seminars I have attended in 20 years of practice and that includes the excellent advanced seminars at Harvard by Roger Fisher. I found the presenters to be top-flight experts in their fields. The neuro-psych presentation was particularly interesting and useful. I have kept the reference materials handy on my desktop and refer to them often. Recently I was dealing with a particularly difficult personality in a major multi-party commercial case who threatened to sink the process. Frustrated, I went into my office, got the seminar materials, and re-read the part on intervention techniques. I went back into the mediation, pulled the difficult party aside for a one-on-one meeting with his counsel's blessings, and managed to turn him around. The case finally settled a few evenings later with a call to my cell-phone from the difficult party who completely changed his position and thanked me for my work. I cannot say enough good things about this seminar."
J. Joaquin Fraxedas, Maitland, FL

"Congratulations - I am writing to express my sincerest appreciation for a truly outstanding and extremely valuable conference. I can't wait to attend the encore next year!"
Brian Spector, Esq. Miami, FL

"What a worthwhile, cutting-edge program. Thank you to the NADN and your speakers for a Don't Miss It event filled with new ideas, tools and strategies for us to move to the next level."
Stephen G. Fischer, W. Palm Beach, FL

"The NADN Advanced Training Seminar provided a refreshing look at new techniques and shared experiences from nationally acclaimed mediators respected as preeminent. With a unique blending of borrowed principles from neuro-linguistics and martial arts, it doesn't get any more 'high level' than this!"
Murray B. Silverstein, Tampa, FL

"The NADN's advanced training retreat was well worth the investment in time and resources. As a mediator who has always relied on being intuitive in finding solutions to disputes, the advanced training introduced me to specific, strategic approaches to the mediation process. It also served as a reminder of the importance of self-mastery as a piece of the mediator's skill set."
Hon. Kenneth Simon, Birmingham, AL

"It doesn't get any better than this! How many times do we attend "advanced" mediation training courses, only to find out that they are not so "advanced"? The opportunity to be among the best and most experienced neutrals in the country for two days in gorgeous surroundings was really remarkable. I can't wait for next year's meeting!"
Will Pryor, Dallas, TX

"After twenty five years of attending trainings in dispute resolution, the two days in Florida at the Ritz Carlton was a capstone. I was particularly anticipating Doug Noll's material as I am interested in persuasion, resistance and the neuroscience of conflict so bought his book. He sent me his bibliography too! The team of Lee Jay, Don Philbin and Doug Noll was inspired - they kept all of us engaged, intrigued and in awe! Thank you."
Kay Elliott, Esq., Fort Worth, TX

"What makes training 'Advanced'? It has to be more than a refresher. These sessions taught us how to take principles of psychology and neurology and apply them to the art of mediation. Our training was not only about techniques that work, but about exactly why they work. Good stuff!"
Robert L. Arrington, Kingsport, TN

"Hands down, the most useful and informative ADR seminar I have ever attended - I definitely look forward to coming back next year."
Dana C. Holloway, Knoxville, TN

"Excellent program and outstanding faculty; interesting and congenial group of mediators in attendance. Most certainly worth the investment of time and energy required to be present. A premier event from beginning to end."
Rookie Norton, Knoxville, TN

"The NADN Seminar was outstanding in every respect. Having advanced instruction coupled with learning from our peers provided a unique opportunity. Thanks for your efforts in organizing this, it really paid off!"
David M. Zacks, Atlanta, GA

"...I've been attending CLE's and programs for more than 40 years either as an attorney of judge, and this was amongst the very best. I look forward to a long affiliation with NADN and am proud to be a member of the Academy."
Herbert H. Gray III, Atlanta, GA

"As experienced mediators, it becomes easy to fall into a routine way of handling cases. Some may describe this as a rut. This meeting forces us to think outside the box. Not only do you learn much from the experienced and talented speakers, but the process of interacting with and exchanging ideas with other experienced professionals makes this a very worthwhile experience."
Neal W. Dickert, Augusta, GA

"Training beyond the initial Certification type course is really not so easy to find. This one was perfect. Highly recommended to experienced mediators, the AIM faculty members were excellent."
Reagan H. Weaver, Raleigh, NC

"The program was innovative, insightful, and well matched to the expertise of the audience. An added benefit was the opportunity to learn from, and socialize with, mediators from across the country."
Rene Ellis, Durham, NC